How to Add an Emoji Keyboard

Have you ever seen those cool emoji’s people use when they text or that they add on social networking? The emotion faces, or even the ones that look like different types of food. On the emoji keyboard there’s a little bit of everything. This keyboard is right on your Iphone! It’s easy to get and you don’t even have to download an app.

1.                  The first thing you do is go to your home screen; you get here by clicking the bottom button called the home button.
2.                  The next thing you do is click on the “settings” icon
3.                  Once you are on the “settings” app, you scroll down to the option “general”
4.                  You scroll down to the “keyboard” option. Here you can add any keyboards you want, like different languages. You can also turn off auto correct and can add shortcuts for different acronyms you can put in so that your phone will automatically spell out the phrase for you.
5.                  Click on the “keyboards” option and then click on the “add new keyboard…” option. Here you have many choices and you can add as many keyboards as you want.
6.                  Scroll down to “emoji” and click on it, then it will automatically bring you back to the list of the keyboards you have.

7.                  After you follow these steps you can use this keyboard whenever you want. To use it while typing, click on the circle icon at the bottom of your keypad. It will automatically bring you to the emoji keyboard 

Contributed by Taylor Schink and Haidy Ferrell