What key does what?
(if you can't get the answers, click this link:
Click Here for the Keyboard Review)
1. What key do you hit to move half and inch to the right?
2. Moves the curser one character to the right without erasing or entering text
3. What key do you hit to open up the help menu?
4. This moves the curser down to the bottom of the page
5. Moves the curser to the beginning of a line of text.
6. This switches between Overwrite and Insert Mode
7. Hit this key and then hit PASTE and it pastes a picture of the screen in your document
8. This key makes it so you can type in ALL CAPs. Hit the key again and it turns off All CAPs
9. Hitting this turns on or off your number key pad on the right
10. Moves the curser to line above without erasing or entering text
11. Erases character directly to the left of the cursor
12. This moves the cursor to the top of the page
13. Moves the cursor to the end of a line of text.
14. This puts spaces in-between words
15. Hold this down and the underlined letter (Example
) in the menu bar and it highlights the menu
16. Moves the curser to line below without erasing or entering text
17. Hold this down and some arrow keys and it selects text.
18. Moves the curser one character to the left without erasing or entering text
19. Used to end a paragraph or to terminate a line of text. When this is pressed the cursor is moved to the next line, creating new paragraph.
20. Erases character directly to the right of the cursor
22. What is this icon?
23. What is this icon?
24. What icon is used to copy the format of text?
25. What is the name of this icon?