Microsoft Word Basic Test - Self Grading!

Word Basics Testing Program (Microsoft Word)

What is the Word Basics Test?
The Word Basics Test is a performance based assessment for Microsoft Word (versions 97 and up).   Unlike a multiple choice or fill in the blank test, the program requires the user to actually perform a specific skill.  In this way, it is ensured that the user can do the skill. 

What does the program test?
The Word Basics Test tests the user on 42 common features in Microsoft Word.  A grading key allows the user to get immediate feedback as to whether they have answered the question right or wrong.  This quick feedback is helpful for both students and teachers. 

How do teachers get the results?
Teachers can record the score of the test by making a visual observation (student raises hand when the test is done, and teacher records score) or having the results printed.  The printed results page contains the questions and indicates which questions were answered correctly or incorrectly. 

Uses for the Program
·            Pretest - assess student’s prior knowledge
·            Exit Test - assess what student’s have learned
·            Guided Practice - Teacher demonstrate a specific skill or number on the Test and then students complete the same number checking their work.
·            Normal Classroom Work and Practice – The ability for students to get immediate feedback allows them to check their work and then continue to strive to get the correct response.  Often it is helpful to have students complete the first 10 answers and then move around the room and quietly help other students complete the first 10.  Make sure that when students are helping other students, that they do not touch the student’s mouse.  This can be repeated with questions 11-20 and so forth.
·            Help Menu Work – Have students use the help menu in Microsoft Word to complete as many problems as they can. Learning how to use the help features in Microsoft Word will greatly help students become technology literate.
·            Short Competitions – Set a timer for 2-5 minutes.  See how far students can get in those minutes.  Then have them do it again to see if their score improves.  Have a contest to see who can get the highest score in your class.
·            Test Reviews

How do I administer the Test?
·            Simply put the program in a shared, but read only folder for users to access
·            Make sure the file remains read only.
·            Note:  Make sure students only make changes that are indicated by the instructions
·            Note: Before the test begins, instruct students to NOT add Frames to the document.  The Frames feature in Microsoft Word disables the grading feature.

How does the program work?
For Microsoft Word 97-2003:
The program is a macro that is imbedded into Microsoft Word.  In order to use the test each student must:
  1. Change the security settings to Medium.  To do this, go to Tools / Macro / Security and choose Medium and then click OK
  2. Now close out of the document and then reopen it
  3. When reopened it, it will ask to disable or enable macros.  Choose the middle button or Enable Macros.

  1. Now, students can answer the questions and click the click the green key  on the toolbar to check their work.
  2. Users should only make changes that the instructions indicate should be made. 

For Microsoft Office 2007 and above
When the user opens up the Word Basic Test, a button will appears asking the user to allow the macro setting.   Run the program, by going to Addins and then click the green key

What is the license agreement for this program?
The license for the program is for 1 teacher only and will last for 1 year only.  The teacher may use the program for any of the classes that he/she teaches.  The program will expire on June 15, 2015. 

How do I get it?
Click here to get